Spreading HayesArmy Comfort Around the World

The other night, while Steve and I sat on our couch winding down for the day, I received a notification on my phone.  I opened up HayesTough Facebook messages and read a message that truly brought me to tears.  It was a screenshot from Vaipuna Pulu’s post.  It said, 

 Baby girl got her first package! 😭🧡 were not sure who sent it but whoever you are... THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭😭😭 All we know that it was from the HayesTough Foundation! 🧡 We might not have known him personally but from his story, we are touched! These kids are seriously the strongest people I know! Naia will definitely put up a fight for both you and her! ✊ “Tough times dont last, but tough people do.” Your legacy you left here with us will always be remembered & honored! 🧡🙏 #HayesTough #TeamNaia”


This message brought back those very relatable emotions from when Hayes was in the heart of his cancer journey.  I remember receiving packages and gifts for Hayes.  While these packages didn’t “fix” him, they definitely lifted all of our spirits, especially his.  It helped us remember that the outside world remembered us and the battle we were fighting in our lonely, gray hospital room was not unnoticed.  


This is why we started our comfort kit program.  We want to help as many warriors as we can.  We want to spread #HayesArmy comfort around the world.  We can’t give grants to everyone so this program fills that void.  We fill the package with things that helped so much with Hayes’ battle.  We try to include a kindle and an aromatherapy stuffed animal with every package because these two things were Hayes’ favorites.  Our saving grace during our long hospital stays.  


Comfort Kits for kids with cancer are sent directly to their homes or hospital rooms in our effort to make their day a little brighter as they open up a box of surprises. Packages are assembled specifically for a child's age and interests by volunteers in Salt Lake City, Utah.

We are always in need of donations for our packages.  In fact, it helps more than you know.  There are a few different ways you can help us send out more packages to warriors around the world.  If purchasing items specifically overwhelms you, donating or sponsoring a comfort kit is always an option.  But for those who like to shop, I have put together a list of helpful wish items that you can send to our P.O. Box (P.O. Box 91116, SLC, UT 84109-1116).  We also have a registry on Amazon which will send items directly to us when purchased.  

Here is a list of things we are ALWAYS in need of: 

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 If You would like to request a comfort kit for your child or a warrior you know, go   HERE Or to find out more about our comfort kits, go   HERE.